Self-check of the Circular Readiness Level CRL®
of products and product systems
Fraunhofer CCPE
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How mature is your product for the Circular Economy?
The Circular Readiness Level® (CRL®) indicates the extent to which principles of the Circular Economy have already been considered in a product or product system. Fraunhofer CCPE has developed an online tool to self-check the Circular Readiness Level® of products and product systems.
The self-check for the Circular Readiness Level® (CRL®) of products and product systems is aimed at all players along the product life cycle. From product and service designers, producers and business model developers to system service providers during the use phase and companies in end-of-life management as well as the product users themselves. All these actors have the opportunity to implement the principles of the circular economy in the four fields of action “product design”, “product-service system”, “end-of-life management” and “closing the loop". In addition, they can make other actors (e.g. product users) aware of the added value. There is no doubt about one thing: the transformation to a circular plastics economy can only be achieved among all players along a product’s life cycle.
In order to guide companies on this path and to derive product-specific indications and options for actions leading to a higher Circular Readiness Level® of their product and product system, Fraunhofer CCPE scientists have developed the self-check for the Circular Readiness Level®.
This self-check covers the complete life cycle of a chosen product: Starting from the design of the product itself, relevant product services for offering and distributing circular products to finally preserving the material at the end-of-life and closing the loop via sourcing of secondary feedstock production and preventing products from remaining in the environment.
For registration that allows free use of the online self-check for the Circular Readiness Level®, please send an email to
Download of info flyer on self-check Circular Readiness Level®.
The Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE combines the competencies of six institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and cooperates closely with partners from industry. Together, we work on systemic, technical and social innovations and keep an eye on the entire life cycle of plastic products. For further information on Fraunhofer CCPE, please, follow this link: